速報APP / 圖書與參考資源 / The Truth Version

The Truth Version



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The Truth Version(圖1)-速報App

The Truth is translated from the original text by leading teacher and preacher Colin Urquhart in obedience to the call of God.

Bringing out a fuller meaning of the scriptures, The Truth charts a middle course between very scholarly literal translations and the more modern paraphrases. If you are a Christian of long standing, the Truth will lead you into fresh insight and revelation of the New Testament. If, however, you are unfamiliar with the scriptures this version will help you to understand what God is saying to you through His Word which is "The Truth."

About the Author:

The Truth Version(圖2)-速報App

Colin Urquhart laid the foundations of what has become Kingdom Faith in the late 1970's, when he moved from being an Anglican vicar in Luton to a speaker travelling the world. He is now recognized as an apostle, and Kingdom Faith provides vision and direction for a growing number of churches nationally and internationally.

Ordained for over 50 years, Colin Urquhart's apostolic ministry is widely recognised and valued throughout the world. He has both experienced and led others in revival and has also written over 30 books. God has commissioned him to train men and women to carry the presence of Jesus Christ, His Spirit, His power and glory wherever they are led to serve Him.

For more information about The Truth visit: www.thetruthnewtestament.com

The Truth Version(圖3)-速報App

For more information about Colin Urquhart visit: www.colinurquhart.com

支援平台:iPhone, iPad